For people who see thew bad comment on this product, here the explanation, as CGTrader does not let me comment the bad reviews:
hutchinsandrew588/ Not what I wanted, I didn't realize it was for printing only... lol.. even so the quality is not good...
wish I could get a refund, a total waste of money!
So he leaves me a comment "What a bad comment for someone who doesn't know what they are buying, you have to read before buying, because one day you are going to buy a car and instead of buying a car you are going to buy a bicycle... ;)" I never took any pots shots at you. just your work. I have made a mistake, and will NEVER Buy anything from you on Unreal, Unity or this store. grow up! and stop taking so personel. I am sure that anyone reading my dumb comments will thiunk it my own fault, not yours. It is a mistake to buy things without reading the tiny... tiny .. fine print... lol... ohwell again, even with it being a print only the quality is not good enough. it lloks like it has been smoothed over and the polygons reduced to a low quality... anyway again cheers, I wish I could get a refund...
2024-07-17 20:33
You already came with bad manners, why? I don't know, maybe you got up on the wrong foot, or you have problems at work and you pay for it with others, anyway, as you can see I have about 500 positive messages and another 5/6 negative ones, and they are always these types of profiles, people who impulsively buy a product without reading what they buy. If you had wanted a refund, instead of leaving a negative comment you would have contacted me, like any decent human being would. And you said me "grow up!"... come on :)