Fully printable - no support - no glue - single color 3D printer
This is a semi truck toy with a tank trailer.
Assembly video (semi truck) https://youtu.be/TJCMTOk385AAssembly video (tank trailer) https://youtu.be/Wgg-yqhQkSw
The tolerance for pieces that need to fit tightly is 0.1mm,for pieces that need to allow movement (like screws and axles) 0.3mm or more.
Printing list: Nb. STL file name rezolution support colour (my make)
14.01.2020 Update:I have added a spare_wheel_holder.stl, which can be mounted between the the base parts and on which a spare wheel can be attached underneath the truck.I have added a cabin_v5_spare_wheel_hole_w_support.stl which is the cabin modified to allow attaching a spare wheel on the back, for this you will also need this screw_for_spare_wheel_on_cabin.stl.(see the two last pics to get a better idea)