Regular Show Pops RIP statue

Regular Show Pops RIP statue 3D print model


regular show pops maellard r.i.p statue/bust for 3 d print . only 10 dollar . if you guys have any problem with this model please dm me here >>>

instagram : Blenderology ( i am usually online here )

ycengineering2022-09-08 20:19:00 UTC
very nice job congratulations
ycengineering2022-09-08 20:18:56 UTC
very nice job congratulations
jvdahmen2021-01-07 18:31:41 UTC
Hello, I am trying to 3D print this model. It says it is not manifold in my slicer. Any suggestions?
Blenderology2021-01-07 19:02:47 UTC
Can you try to increase scale up? Please message me if you still have a problem.
Romaneus2020-12-19 09:26:49 UTC
Well done!
Blenderology2020-12-20 17:14:30 UTC
Blenderology2020-05-07 10:37:52 UTC
if you have any problem or question with this model please contact me or dm here instagram : blenderology
donnieg20112020-11-18 21:31:44 UTC
How do I download it?
jvdahmen2021-01-07 18:32:25 UTC
If you have enough money and wherewithal to purchase, you should be able to figure that out without having to comment lol wow
donnieg20112021-01-07 18:37:00 UTC
That’s not how you talk to someone who wanted to buy something of yours.
jvdahmen2021-01-07 18:51:56 UTC
You are a special kind of stupid. Do you bother to READ ANYTHING? I am not the artist I’m a BUYER as you can READ next to my name. You are ALSO a BUYER so you already bought this, and are trying to convince me that my being rude is going to prevent you from a purchase you already made. Nice try kid, why don’t you ask Siri how to win an argument against someone smarter than you?
donnieg20112021-01-07 18:56:19 UTC
Man you are so cool! You just sit behind your little computer screen and be the little keyboard warrior that you are!
Blenderology2021-01-07 19:03:48 UTC
do you still have problem? sorry i saw your comment now
donnieg20112021-01-07 19:11:06 UTC
It’s all good man. I didn’t realize it was just a pdf download. I thought it would just come to me via mail. I had no idea how to print it and I tried talking to the people on the support site but they didn’t help me. They said I had it downloaded which I did but I had no idea how to work it and the download is gone now.
jvdahmen2021-01-07 18:52:19 UTC
Why are all people named Donnie stupid?
donnieg20112021-01-07 19:06:41 UTC
First of all something is wrong with you. All I did was ask a question? Then you felt the need to be a beta male and attack me for no reason. Man congratulations knowing how to download a pdf makes you the smartest guy in the world!
jvdahmen2021-01-07 19:21:39 UTC
Lol you’re too easy
Blenderology2021-01-07 19:37:28 UTC
can you check your message box
Item rating
2 0
tacticalghost452021-01-31 03:46:42 UTC
jvdahmen2021-01-11 02:57:48 UTC
This guy is the best, he answers promptly and is willing to work to get the job done. 10 out of 10 great artist and great to work with. English isn't perfect, but his drive is 100 percent!
Regular Show Pops RIP statue
Royalty Free License 
Regular Show Pops RIP statue
Royalty Free License 
Response 88% in 0.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
PBR modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Blender 2.81a (.blend)3.8 MBVersion: 2.81aRenderer: Cycles
  • Collada (.dae)4.42 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx)1.48 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)3.66 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl)3.42 MB
  • Alembic (.abc)2.75 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-02-12
  • Model ID#2269422
  • Ready for 3D Printing