Piccolo silver statue

Piccolo silver statue 3D print model


Piccolo Jr. (ピッコロ・ジュニア Pikkoro Junia, lit. Piccolo Junior), usually just called Piccolo or Kamiccolo and also known as Ma Junior (マジュニア Majunia), is a Namekian and also the final child and reincarnation of King Piccolo, later becoming the reunification of the Nameless Namekian after fusing with Kami. According to Grand Elder Guru, Piccolo, along with Kami and King Piccolo, are part of the Dragon Clan, who were the original creators of the Dragon Balls.

A wise and cunning warrior, he was the main antagonist in the final saga of Dragon Ball, the Piccolo Jr. Saga, and was thus a ruthless enemy of Goku. However, starting with the first saga of Dragon Ball Z, the Raditz Saga, he began to lose all villainous traits, and when he started training Goku's son Gohan during the Vegeta Saga which led to the two developing a strong bond with each other, he became a permanent member of the Dragon Team and eventually one of Earth's greatest heroes.

Format: stl one part with base 139 mm.

I hope you like it. if you have any question or problem with model(change the scale, missing files of something else ), please contact me!

Thank you!

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Piccolo silver statue
Royalty Free License 
Piccolo silver statue
Royalty Free License 
Response 72% in 15.7h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)27.2 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-01-29
  • Model ID#2839292