Palworld palsphere

Palworld palsphere 3D print model


This is a high poly digital sculpture, no UV, no textures. This model was created using Zbrush. Available file formats: Stl, ztl, 3mf, obj. triangulated model.

Point 659,124 Model dimensions 90x61x90 mm. If desired, you can scale it to the desired size.

All parts are combined, can be used for 3D printing.

Update #3(file v.3 STL)

  • The rings have been thickened and attachment points have been added.
  • There are holes for attaching rings.
  • Cones combined with 4 teeth in one model (for ease of printing)
asimhussain2024-01-27 09:04:30 UTC
I'd recommend recombining the 4 bits back into the top and bottom pieces. There's really no point in having them separated since it's all one color and prints fine when attached, separating just makes things harder actually.
ShutkovSergey2024-01-27 09:27:40 UTC
Good idea, thanks
asimhussain2024-01-27 10:21:49 UTC
You're welcome! I bought this off cults and it looks like the best one out so far, especially since you separated the gold parts from the gem. I scaled it up to 135% and the metal wrapping the ball looks quite thin, so maybe consider thickening them up for stability once printed (on FDM I imagine it's fine but on resin it's a little fragile.) I'm printing the gem in clear resin, excited! Also would make the cuts/keys for the metal wraps bigger, they're tiny!
ShutkovSergey2024-01-27 10:28:17 UTC
Okay, I'll add an updated model with thicker metal around the stone soon. Thanks for your feedback :)
asimhussain2024-01-27 10:39:19 UTC
You're the best!! Please update it on cults as well! Thanks!
ShutkovSergey2024-01-27 10:58:42 UTC
Of course I will.
Item rating
1 0
kentonbomb842024-01-24 01:07:41 UTC
Looks great, can't wait to print it
Palworld palsphere
Royalty Free License 
Palworld palsphere
Royalty Free License 
Available in these collections
Response 100% in 0.8h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Zbrush (.ztl, .zbp) (2 files)57.7 MBVersion: 2022.0.7Renderer: BPR Version: 2022.0.7Renderer: BPR
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)142 MB
  • VRML (.wrl)90.2 MB
  • 3D Manufacturing File (.3mf)27.6 MB
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)203 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2024-01-23
  • Model ID#5047204
  • Ready for 3D Printing