Optimus Prime Battle Axe from Transformers War for Cybertron

Optimus Prime Battle Axe from Transformers War for Cybertron 3D print model


With news of War for Cybertron Optimus Prime coming soon, thought to dust off the older Generations version of him to properly arm him with his gianormous battle axe!

Over sized and standing taller than Prime himself, it reallys cut an imposing figure for Prime when he wields it!

To give the glow-y energized look for the axe blades here, this piece pictured has been printed in clear filament, and then lightly painted with blended shades of red-orange-yellow paint.

For a bit of fun, the top spike on the axe has been created as a separate piece, which when removed, exposes a 5mm port in which fits effect parts!

Given its massive size, the battle axe separates into three parts to make this easier for posing and displaying! This also gives the axe a single-handed or two-handed option!

The tippy end of the lower part also comes with a 3mm peg for more effect part goodness. And one more thing - took the chance also to toss in a 3mm peg on the front of the axe so with the suitable blast effect, you can also display it in a blocking-a-show pose.

=== Assembly ===

The diagram here shows the parts of this set, and how they go together.

It is recommended that all parts (except for the spike) be printed in this horizontal orientation for optional detailing as well as part strength.

The ends of the blade are designed to slide into the corresponding notches of the body piece.


And there we go - a big honking axe just prime for ... Prime. :P

Hope ya'll enjoy 3d printing, painting and posing this one!


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Optimus Prime Battle Axe from Transformers War for Cybertron
Custom No Ai License 
Optimus Prime Battle Axe from Transformers War for Cybertron
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)19.3 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-04-17
  • Model ID#4441748
  • Ready for 3D Printing