Metal gear solid 2 BIG big shell platform package

Metal gear solid 2 BIG big shell platform package 3D print model


Big shell model + Inside floors + board game and pieces + little big shell model

Little big shell can be purchased seperate at the below link at a lower price and lower print size.

Instructions are also included with images for simple construction in every package available.

Welcome to the Big Big shell package.This package includes all varients of the model,from the smaller little big shell model to the board game inserts and playing pieces to the detailed inner floor layouts.Imagine the look on the faces of those who see it,then to be shown that the roofs lift off revealing the inner floor layouts (Nostagia is a blessing).

A ton of work was placed into this project as you can tell,the research was taken from an actual playthrough of the game (pictures painstakingly taken of every scene/part of the shell,then recreated into the 3d model).

As said the roofs come away to show the inner floor plans but you can also place the board game roofs in place of the model roof pieces,giving for a good game of Metal gear risk (Rules in a pdf format are also included ENG/GER).

-Biggest Measuements to print-

-Big shell core 37cm width (370mm)-

-Struts 28.6cm width (286mm)-

-Bridge's 19cm length (190mm)-

-Legs 28cm height (280mm)-

-Total length when built is 268cm (2680mm)-

-Print bed of 40x40x40 recommended-

98shelbyshawn2021-10-13 18:41:48 UTC
MAN!!! This is Incredible!!!!
Retro-3D-Junkie2021-10-14 10:52:28 UTC
Many thanks :)
Yeondu972021-08-13 14:31:17 UTC
I am definitely going to buy this soon, especially after playing most of the MGS series on the PS2. The Big Shell Map has to be one of my favourite maps out of many games I've played, Shadow Moses is definitely a favourite also. I am so glad someone was able to do this this since I've looked everywhere for a model like this over the years, and now here it is. For $10 there is a lot of work put into this, so definitely money's worth there. I was going to kindly ask is there going to be an updated version with a higher price including furniture like, boxes, kitchen ware, bathroom ware, lockers etc? Also do you plan on doing any more MGS maps like this in the future?
Retro-3D-Junkie2021-09-16 12:29:49 UTC
I do love the feedback fella and in such detail, many many thanks. This did take a while yes haha but worth it as I always loved this title. Currently there are no plans on other MGS maps but you never know. At the moment I'm developing a game for steam, so all attention is on that. I may just delve into the idea of and extras pack for this model however, seems like it would be fun, maybe even as far as characters too. again many thanks, it is always nice to see comments like these. All the best.
potterpenguin0092021-06-03 13:29:26 UTC
This is amazing!!!
Retro-3D-Junkie2021-06-15 12:15:56 UTC
your comment is amazing, thank you.
Item rating
2 0
potterpenguin0092021-12-01 22:23:39 UTC
The creator went above and beyond. Faithfully modelled the game’s map and realistically interpreted what’s missing from the player. This creator is above even the boss.
vivionline2021-07-09 17:01:35 UTC
This project is awesome, there is so much for only 10 bucks
Metal gear solid 2 BIG big shell platform package
Editorial No Ai License 
Metal gear solid 2 BIG big shell platform package
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 89% in 18.2h
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)81.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2020-01-23
  • Model ID#2245063