Mazinger Z - Mazinga Z

Mazinger Z - Mazinga Z 3D print model



Mazinger Z is an enormous super robot, constructed with a fictional metal called Super-Alloy Z (超合金Z, Chōgokin Zetto), which is forged from a new element (Japanium) mined from a reservoir found only in the sediment of Mt. Fuji, in Japan. The mecha was built by Professor Juzo Kabuto as a secret weapon against the forces of evil, represented in the series by the Mechanical Beasts of Dr. Hell. The latter was the German member of a Japanese archeological team, which discovered ruins of a lost pre-Grecian civilization on an island named Bardos, the Mycéne Empire. One of their findings was that the Mycene used an army of steel titans about 20 meters in height. Finding prototypes of those titans underground which could be remote-controlled and realizing their immense power on the battlefield, Dr. Hell goes insane and has all the other scientists of his research team killed except for Professor Kabuto, who manages to escape. The lone survivor goes back to Japan and attempts to warn the world of its imminent danger. Meanwhile, Dr. Hell establishes his headquarters on a mobile island, forms the new Underground Empire, and plans to use the Mechanical Monsters to become the new ruler of the world. To counter this, Kabuto constructs Mazinger Z and manages to finish it just before being killed by a bomb planted by Hell's right-hand person, Baron Ashura, a half-man, half-woman. As he lays dying, he manages to inform his grandson Koji Kabuto about the robot and its use. Koji becomes the robot's pilot, and from that point on battles both the continuous mechanical monsters, and the sinister henchmen sent by Doctor Hell.

Item rating
1 0
atlantide792022-01-20 10:41:47 UTC
Come tutte le creazioni di Hakaro anche questa non fa eccezione. Modello creato divinamente, diviso in parti perfettamente assemblabili per una migliore qualità di stampa. Ottima resa anche per la stampa a filo in PLA.
Mazinger Z - Mazinga Z
Royalty Free License 
Mazinger Z - Mazinga Z
Royalty Free License 
Response 89% in 1.0h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)45 MB
  • Zbrush (.ztl, .zbp)17.8 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)18.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-05-13
  • Model ID#3036876
  • Ready for 3D Printing