Jake from Adventure Time
Jake Printable 3DModel
Measures: 80mm high but you can scale it
Jake the Dog is Finn's best friend and adoptive brother. He is a 28-year-old—in "magical dog years"—shape-shifting bulldog. The episode "Joshua & Margaret Investigations" reveals that when Joshua and Margaret—Finn and Jake's parents—were on an investigation, Joshua was bitten by some sort of shape-shifting, other-worldly entity. Joshua, infected by the creature's venom, subsequently birthed Jake from his head, resulting in a puppy with the magical ability to shape-shift at will. Jake's magic powers allow him to stretch or shrink any part of his body to any shape and almost any size, ranging from becoming gigantic to becoming incredibly small. His powers help Finn considerably in combat and transportation, but are also sometimes used as nothing more than jovial forms of expression. Acting as a confidant and mentor to his energetic brother—though he has a tendency to give rather questionable advice—Jake has a laid-back attitude in most situations, but loves adventure and will eagerly fight when he needs to do so. Jake is in a relationship with Lady Rainicorn, and they have five children together as seen in the episode "Jake the Dad". The two were drawn to each other due to their shared interest in playing the viola.