Full Clone Republic Commando Armor OneSix OneSixth 12inch

Full Clone Republic Commando Armor OneSix OneSixth 12inch 3D print model


Full 1/6 Scale Base Clone Commando / Republic Commando Armor stl files for sale.

Kit comes with multiple variants of the armor parts, some of the variants are based off the video game and some are based off the animation.

This kit is made to work with the generic narrow shoulder body and black jump suit listed here:1/6 Body Used for base figure: https://amzn.to/3bu85vyJump suit: https://a.aliexpress.com/_m0C88Eq

The kit comes with clone commando armor and variant parts.

This kit is made to be printed with resin

By buying the kit you agree that the kit is only for personal use and not to be resold, or shared with others. I am now selling the kit to help me cover the cost of resin so I can print more.

The kit is mostly friction fitted expect for the belt and the should straps. You will need to glue the shoulder straps the the front and back of the chest. You will also need to glue the belt together.

I've uploaded a few sizes for the foot, some might not have the other side, feel free to use the mirror function to find the right fit for your printer settings

Hope that helps, and let me know if you have any questions.

poupouche2024-09-29 11:08:58 UTC
dakdaki2024-09-09 13:32:25 UTC
Item rating
1 0
jakub19922024-10-16 18:27:46 UTC
Full Clone Republic Commando Armor OneSix OneSixth 12inch
Custom License 
Full Clone Republic Commando Armor OneSix OneSixth 12inch
Custom License 
Response 95% in 6.3h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (51 files)2.24 GB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2023-04-01
  • Model ID#4150127