Originally the Mars Wing built for Fox Film's epic sci-fi musicalcomedy Just Imagine (1930), this classic Bullet with Fins is best known as Dr. Zarkov's rocketship from the immortal Buster Crabbe Flash Gordon serials, which included Flash Gordon (1936), Flash Gordon's Trip to Mars (1938) and Flash Gordon Conquers the Universe (1940). An Art Deco masterpiece, this plucky little ship exhibited several surprising abilities over the course of its service, including the power to launch horizontally without benefit of a runway and the capacity to cross millions of miles of interplanetary space powered by nothing but 4th of July sparklers.
3D PRINTING SETTINGSSTL files are ready for 3D printing 150mm.Multiple files inside for having an easier print and paint.height(Z): 150 mmwidth(X): 130 mmdepth(Y): 250 mm