Thought it would be fun to have some alternate designs done up to add on to the CyberBase system - so here's the Nexus variant design set!
The base piece sports the same design as used in the Blaster Communicator Seat (, and so these tiles can be used to extend your display further if you have that done up already.
The thinner versions of the walls will be required for the walls and they can be found here -
Part of the reason for creating this set was scratch an itch to help better organize the collection by being able to put up the various Transformers set logos up over the bots from that series. Using the Wall A piece, the small sign piece, and any packaging with the logo you want to salvage, then attach it to the flat front portion of the sign piece and peg it onto the centre of the Wall A piece.
Of course, its a 5mm port, so any other typical transformers accessory with a 5mm peg can be attached there too.
Have fun 3d printing these, and mixing and matching with the earlier CyberBase pieces to further enhance your displays! ;)
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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