This flexi skeleton is an articulated print-in-place model that needs NO supports.
I love articulated print-in-place models, and I was surprised to see that no one had ever created a good skeleton. So I created one. It's really fun to play with because it flops around and moves in any which way. I went through several iterations to make sure it was strong, poseable, and easy to print without supports.
Included are 5 STLs *Skeleton.STL ( skeleton with hanging hole in head...shown dancing) *Skeleton_No_Hanging_Hole.STL (no hanging hole in head) *Skeleton_Big_Top.STL ( Top To create Big skeleton) *Skeleton_Big_Top_No_Hanging_Hole .STL ( Top To create Big skeleton without holes in the back to hang him) *Skeleton_Big_Bot.STL ( Bottom To create Big skeleton)
Please feel free to share your printing experiences.
Thank you.
Update: 7/28/2021 Removed DS from back and made the joints thicker