This is a complete set of accessories for the Colossus model [ available separately ]It contains :1) The Best Defense Heavy Assault Launcher / Right Forearm2) The Firewall Mortar (Ordinance Launcher / Left Shoulder3) The Stowed Siege Cannon ( Swaps out for the standard fanny pack)4) The Deployed Siege Cannon (ULT)5) The Stowed Colossus Shield ( Attaches to Left Forearm )6) The Deployed Colossus Shield ( Attaches to Left Forearm )
All parts are at 1:12 scale, and have been test printed at 1:12 and 1:6 scale on an Anycubic Photon S
If you’ve purchased this, and would prefer a different Assault Launcher or Ordinance launcher let me know and I’ll happily make it and add it here.Any future accessores I make for the standard colossus will be added here as a free update.send me a message and let me know what you think.
Stronger togeher.