Cannon Fillers for Nova Prime and Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime

Cannon Fillers for Nova Prime and Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime 3D print model


While being vaguely of the same mold as Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime, Nova Prime's hollow back cannons definitely stuck out more. So here's a pair of cannon gap fillers to the rescue!

Both sides of these come as one part prints, with a little slot in them to go in nicely around the ribs founds in the hollow bits.

They should also be quite a snug fit and not fall out too easily.

With these all printed and painted up to match the exterior color of the cannons, bring your Nova Prime from looking hollowed out to having a solid and imposing stature!

And since Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime shares the same mold, these work just as well for him! Though they would probably need to be painted in a different color more matching to his cannons!

As always, hope you enjoy getting this gap filler set for your own bots! Happy 3d printing! =)


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Cannon Fillers for Nova Prime and Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime
Custom No Ai License 
Cannon Fillers for Nova Prime and Galaxy Upgrade Optimus Prime
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.41 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-10-18
  • Model ID#4844596
  • Ready for 3D Printing