Ben Gunn for 3D printing STL Files: STL, OBJ, ZTL simplefield stl of various detailing PERFECTLY DETAILEDprefabricated and one-piece
Ben Gunn - character from Robert Louis Stevenson's novel Treasure Island, an 18th-century pirate.Former pirate, sailed on the ship Walrus. After the death of Captain Flint, he sailed on another pirate ship, but he quarreled with the sailors and was left on Treasure Island as punishment. During three years of life on the island, he repented of his crimes; found the bulk of Flint's treasures and transferred them to his cave. During his stay on the island, he built a shuttle, on which Jim Hawkins later managed to swim to the Hispaniola. During the landing of Silver and his people on the island, he crept up to their camp at night and killed one of the pirates.