BATMAN Glider flying toy with launcher

BATMAN Glider flying toy with launcher 3D print model


A funny toy shaped like Batman. You can fly him into the sky to watch him flying for a while before getting back on the ground. Files are 3, body, cape and slingshot shaped in a bat-style. Cape must be glued to the body. Elastic string isn't provided, so you must find one to thread into the holes (better a strong one). Do not use this toy improperly, do not aim against people. This is an original item, handsculpted and scanned, so it may show some slight flaw as any sculpted thing. Nice if painted, but better painting the cape before attaching it to the body. Really a nice item, that brings back to the 60s toy spirit. Slingshot lenght is 23 cm, he figure (with cape) about 25, but you can obviously reduce the size depending on your printing bed.

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BATMAN Glider flying toy with launcher
Custom No Ai License 
BATMAN Glider flying toy with launcher
Custom No Ai License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)37.7 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-12-07
  • Model ID#2745575
  • Ready for 3D Printing