Following after the Transformers Base Crew Seats (, it felt necessary to create the corresponding Terminal to go with them!
This is a singular terminal which can be extended by putting a number of these in a row, and is sized to work nicely with the Crew Seat.
Near the front of the terminal, there are two tablet docks where the tablets released earlier ( can be slotted in.
The monitor screens up top are provided as part of this set and either be 3d printed out or fabricated separately. In the examples here, they are cut acrylic pieces of 2mm thickness.
AssemblyWhen it comes to putting things together, two versions of the main terminal body has been provided:
Version A - The Terminal Body is provided as a single model, for printed on larger sized machines, or to be cut into small pieces as you prefer, or
Version B - The Terminal Body is hollowed from the back and provided as separate parts, which can be glued together with the aid of 5mm pegs in certain spots. The Reason for being hollow is to allow for either storage of parts and accessories, or for the more adventurous, to allow for the installation of lights to light up this piece.
Also in Version B, the two side pieces connect using 10mm pegs. When arrayed in a row of multiple terminals, this can allow separate terminals to be pegged together, or for wiring to pass through, if that's what you're aiming for.
So there you have it, a WFC inspired terminal design to allow for a more interesting diorama or display, so you can have displays looking like these:
(Removing the front tablet docking part allows it to just be a shelf for the dumping of weapons and accessories :P )
Have fun 3d printing this one out too, folks! =)
This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.
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