2024-07-27 09:00:04 UTCalimuwafak-32438d
New version with separate world!!!!!hello everyone! I upload this model of Atlas, the Greek mythology character.The model consists of, 3 parts, in different format versions, as well as containing a whole version of the model.It also contains a ztl and zpr file so you can modify it as you like.All files are 458MB.
The size of the figure is: Z: 199.33mm Y: 129.19mm X: 129.19mm.
Remember that if you buy this or any other model, you can write me for anything you need, I answer fast!Thank you and enjoy!
Atlas was a young titan that Zeus condemned to carry the sky on his shoulders.1 He was the son of Japetus and the nymph Climene (in other versions, of Asia) and brother of Prometheus, Epimetheus and Menetius.