Arm and Feet Gap Fillers for Transformers SS86 Grimlock

Arm and Feet Gap Fillers for Transformers SS86 Grimlock 3D print model


The latest iteration of Grimlock coming to us in the Studio Series 86 line is a great and well-sized addition to the collection! However, it appears that the size needed to be offset with a fair bit of hollow bits on the figure.

Time for some gap filling to be done!

First up are the arm fillers - these peg in sideways into the slot in the base of the hand piece, to cover up that unsightly gap there.

For transformation into dino mode, these pieces just need to be removed and then pegged into the slot on the other side of the hand piece once that has been rotated around.

For the feet, there are a front and rear piece for each side. And these should fit in pretty snuggly. The feet fillers basically fold up upon themselves and hence won't be too visible at all:


The attached diagram shows the various pieces in this set - fillers for the forearm hollow, and a piece each for the front foot and back of foot (for both sides). For the forearm and back foot fillers, there are options of having the 5mm port on them to be either just a surface detail or a thru hole (for attaching of accessories or blast effects)

These pieces print fairly easily and should be done vertically for best details. They can also be easily painted up for slightly better color matching as seen in the photos above.


Well then, hope this set works well for everyone who has his great figure already in hand. Enjoy!


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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bradanwatkins2022-02-09 12:33:13 UTC
Arm and Feet Gap Fillers for Transformers SS86 Grimlock
Custom No Ai License 
Arm and Feet Gap Fillers for Transformers SS86 Grimlock
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)2.12 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2021-04-26
  • Model ID#3005062