Anthem Storm Javelin and Colossus Legs

Anthem Storm Javelin and Colossus Legs 3D print model


With a lot of pride, I give you the Storm (and the bonus Colossus Build-a-Figure Legs of course)

This is the model of the month on my Patreon :

It contains 19 STLS in total. (or ..several weeks worth of high resolution printing)

Storm Static Model [6 STL's]

  • Main Body [1 or 2]With anchored supports [for FDM]and without [for Resin]
  • Left Arm[3], Right Arm[4], Left Foot[5], Right Foot[6]

Colossus Legs (13 parts, print one of each)-STLs represent the Right Leg - Mirror them and print again for the Left Leg.

*Slicing: *I have included the CURA profiles I used for printing each of the models.
While the Colossus Leg is a fairly straight forward print, the Storm can be tricky as it is a tall model. Just be sure your speeds don't cause it to wobble. or free itself from the build plate.If you have any doubts, slow it down...

I used a .25mm nozzle and 0.6mm layer heights for everything. It takes a bit longer to print, but as it's going to sit on my shelf forever, I don't mind.

If you have questions or requests, please send me a message here.

Item rating
2 0
MBD922025-03-10 03:18:08 UTC
Cool design! Two thumbs up!
paulsmyrski-12021-07-30 11:33:04 UTC
Anthem Storm Javelin and Colossus Legs
Editorial No Ai License 
Anthem Storm Javelin and Colossus Legs
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 92% in 2.9h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (22 files)567 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-03-06
  • Model ID#2304619
  • Ready for 3D Printing