Anthem Interceptor Javelin and Colossus Arms

Anthem Interceptor Javelin and Colossus Arms 3D print model


The Interceptor prints at 1:12 scale by default.

The Interceptor Javeling statue and Colossus Build-A-Figure Part 1/3 are the February 2020 Patreon Offering available here for Patrons:


The Interceptor has now been updated to Version 3. It is much easier to print, and will fit completely within a small print volume (resin) printer.

Incuded is the Interceptor Statue in 9 parts. Head,2-Arms,2-Legs and 4-Wings. It is split to allow it to be seamlessly assembled using either LEGO technic pins, or glue (wings are always glued).I print the statue vertically with tree supports added in Cura. There are also a few baked-in-supports to ensure the model is solid while printing and als versions without any suports added.

As a free little bonus I've included the Colossus Build-a-Figure Arms (Part 1/3)The Colossus Build-a-figure is underway. Come visit my Pateron to see the progress

  1. Arms (Left Arm/hands in 4 poses, Right Arm should be printed as a Mirror of the attached files)
  2. Legs - Patreon: April 2020 (Included with the STORM)3.Torso- Patreon: May 2020 (Included with the RANGER)
Item rating
1 0
paulsmyrski-12020-04-04 00:23:19 UTC
beautiful files. 200% scale turned out perfect!
Anthem Interceptor Javelin and Colossus Arms
Royalty Free License 
Anthem Interceptor Javelin and Colossus Arms
Royalty Free License 
Response 92% in 2.9h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (3 files)88.6 MBVersion: 1

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-02-13
  • Model ID#2270988
  • Ready for 3D Printing