Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama

Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama 3D print model


Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model

Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model consists of 19 Parts designed to be added to your collection of Alien figures. 3D print model

Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model is one of the most iconic characters in the Sify Film Industry, along with all the Alien charachters.

Xenomorph is best know for its black sify outfit.


This diorama made in ZBrush, and Maya and saved in STL files, a format supported by most 3D printers.


Contains 19 parts; Contains Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model, and Base; Contains Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model Miniature in action pose; All parts are divided in such way that you will print them with the smallest amount of supports. All STL files for 3D printing have been checked in Netfabb and no errors were shown.

Note: Before starting 3D printing the model, please check your printing details such as software slicer and printer settings to assure you are working with the best and newest Software.


STL files of Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model for 3D printing which consist of 19 parts; Contains elements of Base and Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model;

High-poly detailed Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model; High-poly detailed elements of diorama; Detailed settings that we provide for Cura 3.2.1. for the best print;

Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama Model 3D print model

nreyesit2022-01-18 15:52:06 UTC
compre el modelo, pero al imprimir tengo muchas dificultades con Head y CCR10_Spike LL, por favor indicar la configuración y tamaño de boquilla al utilizar, ya que cura indica que hay sectores que no se pueden imprimir. por lo menos a mi me genera mucho hilo ya que es muy fina la impresión.
DarkHouseToys2022-01-19 15:45:06 UTC
Hola, regularmente modelo para .4 nozzle (boquilla de calentamiento) La configuracion dependera de tu impresora, este ha sido imprimido con PLA y resina obteniendo buenos resultados con ambas y ajustes basicos. Intenta usar Cura para mas facilidad.
DarkHouseToys2022-01-19 15:45:10 UTC
Hola, regularmente modelo para .4 nozzle (boquilla de calentamiento) La configuracion dependera de tu impresora, este ha sido imprimido con PLA y resina obteniendo buenos resultados con ambas y ajustes basicos. Intenta usar Cura para mas facilidad.
eugobe2021-09-29 18:05:48 UTC
Al final sí pude, aunque con dificultades. Ultima versión de Cura (11). Estupendo diseño de la opción iluminada, aunque tengo un problema: tendré que imprimirla escalando al 80-75% y el hueco para alojar la alimentación de los leds se reduce tanto que no cabe la batería. Una pena :(
eugobe2021-09-27 21:26:45 UTC
Me está resultando imposible segmentar el pilar en Cura. Hay algún problema con el archivo?
DarkHouseToys2021-09-29 05:19:26 UTC
Hola, no he tenido ningun problema con el archivo en esa cuestion. Estas usando la ultima version de cura?
eugobe2021-09-29 07:14:39 UTC
Efectivamente: 4.11.0. Al final sí he podido hacerlo, pero falla ocasionalmente. Me parece un diseño fabuloso. Lo malo es que voy a tener que escalarlo al 80% o 75%, y eso hace que el hueco en la base para poner la batería de las luces se quede pequeña y no quepa. :(
eugobe2021-09-27 09:00:03 UTC
Compré el modelo, que me parece espectacular. Pero agradecería que me enviaran instrucciones de montaje, en especial de la base con luz.
s1luka2021-01-16 19:00:28 UTC
Pourquoi je n'arrive pas l'avoir en model stl et a la place je l'ai en video
DarkHouseToys2021-01-17 04:25:55 UTC
Hello The .Stl files are inside the .rar file, please extract the files from the folder so you can access the files. Regards
DarkHouseToys2021-09-29 05:18:16 UTC
as-tu téléchargé le fichier ?
Item rating
6 2
phillmax2023-01-31 09:37:32 UTC
Not Recommended
This Print does not come with the information as stated in " WHAT YOU WILL GET AFTER PURCHASE ? " Section which states you will recieve "best print setup details if using CURA as your printing software. I was told by CGtrader it was the designer who would provide this info, but this just ended in them stating it was CURA to provide. Go elsewhere like i did and this information is provided by the selling site plus PDF on how to assemble the model.
gastoncenturion972022-11-04 21:40:07 UTC
seisen14832022-04-06 13:07:19 UTC
kataklyzim2022-02-03 14:38:23 UTC
excellent file, would buy from again
sixtyniner19692021-06-24 00:36:41 UTC
Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama
Editorial No Ai License 
Alien Xenomorph 3D Print On Toxic Chamber Diorama
Editorial No Ai License 
Available in these collections
Response 89% in 27.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.36 GB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-07-29
  • Model ID#2509523
  • Ready for 3D Printing