Hellraiser 2022 Leviathan BRONZE TIER
Currently 1 of 6
There will be three tiers to these boxes:
THE BRONZE TIER. Purely static models. No moving parts. Can be glued together in solved or unsolved configurations.
THE SILVER TIER. Moving boxes. From unsolved, you must solve these boxes and put them in their right configuration. But beware!I These boxes are generally 3D printed, but will also require some metal parts that can be bought off the shelf.
THE GOLD TIER. Fully moving boxes that transform from one box to the next configuration. To note, these boxes will not just be 3D printed. A lot of parts will be mechanical and metal. Come back here later for more details.
I will be working my way up through the tiers, so Bronze will be first before any Silver Tier models become available. And every journey has a beginning, so i present to you...
This model is larger than others found on the web. Most of those measure around 380mm - 390mm in height. This bad boy is 465mm. Why? Jumping ahead, Leviathan comes from Lazarus. The four corners of Lazarus become the four corners of Leviathan blah blah blah. In short, i felt that the 380mm version (after printing mine out at this height) just felt and looked too small, looking at the film. Using Lazarus, it came to be this size. Love it or not, she is a thing of beauty!
I created two versions: one is a flat panel assembly - quicker print time but poorer print quality. Ver. 2 I found better, as my printer prints better quality if the face is at an angle!
Let me know how you got on, and which version you found better. Will help me create better files next box!