This is an Exact Replica digital 3D file (STL and 3MF) for the Vanitas' Book from the manga The Case Study of Vanitas (Vanitas no Carte/ヴァニタス ). Perfect for your Vanitas Cosplay and designed to be easy to 3D print.
Height: 210 mm ( 8) | Width: 185 mm (7) | Depth: 54 mm (2.1") [Standard]Custom Dimensions (for example for a smaller doll or figurine or to match your height) [Upon Request]3D PRINT BED DIMENSIONS
Length: 210mm ( 8) | Width: 160 mm (6.5) | Height: 50 mm (2) [Standard]Length: 150mm ( 6) | Width: 150 mm (6) | Height: 150 mm (6) [Upon Request]Length: 129 mm ( 5) | Width: 60 mm (2.3) | Height: 150 mm (6") [Upon Request]Custom Dimensions [Upon Request]3D FILE DETAILS
There is a small 2mm pin provided to allow for rotation of one of the parts. just glue that pin into place. Center Book Dimensions are:
Here is the listing for the 3D printed Kit version of the files:
I did my best to position the seams to be hidden easily or easily sandable. I also positioned the slices to allow for preservation of the fine model details when you 3D print the pieces.
Please message me if you have any questions before or after your purchase and I will be happy to help! Let me know if there is a specific prop or weapon you want a 3D model of and I can likely make it for you