SAITEK PRO FLIGHT Boeing 737 style throttle quadrant levers

SAITEK PRO FLIGHT Boeing 737 style throttle quadrant levers 3D print model


737 style throttle levers for a single Saitek pro flight throttle quadrant. The design uses the middle lever to operate both engines, and the other levers operat the air brake and flaps. Reverse thrust is achived by bringing the throttle,all the way back (Idle), then reverse thrust level will activate switch T3 on the Saitek unit.You will need:

  1. M3 nut & bolt, 25mm
  2. A small spring 20mm long. A spring from a pen will do, and this fits inside the throttle handle controlling the return on the thrust level
  3. Four x 15mm M3 self-tapping screws for the base.
  4. Small elastic band or another pen spring for the flap lever
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hans-63cc482020-07-05 11:53:58 UTC
SAITEK PRO FLIGHT Boeing 737 style throttle quadrant levers
Editorial No Ai License 
SAITEK PRO FLIGHT Boeing 737 style throttle quadrant levers
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 100% in 1.6h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 1.0 (.stl)3.67 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-03-11
  • Model ID#2311936
  • Ready for 3D Printing