Republic Commando Cosplay 3D Print Model

Republic Commando Cosplay 3D Print Model 3D print model


I as the original artist do not consent to recastings and reproductions of works produced from this file. If you would like to make molds and castings, talk to me directly and we can work something out. I would like to be fully credited in any resales or spinoff creations of this work but if you do not contact me and I do not consent to it you have absolutely no permission to reproduce my work.

Republic Commando Armour Cosplay 3d Print model

When printing this armour set orientation, splitting, and slicing is up to you. I recommend splitting object with Z-offset in slicer of choice to minimize the need for support structures and maintain cleanliness of the model. If you have a small build area and need to print in chunks I recommend Meshmixer.
All files are in .obj format. Most slicers accept this but in case yours cant there are free online tools to convert to .stl.

edwardsirias532022-11-29 07:53:03 UTC
Is there any chance that you can make the back portion of the armor flat? Having it stick out like a box kid of throws off the look. If I purchase the file can that be done?
adrien-arsaut2021-05-26 17:40:37 UTC
Hi I'm heavily interested in this design I want to print it for 1/6 scale I had a design for the clone commando but the parts were too thick to fit my 1/6 scale body even after rescale Is it possible to provide more pictures or even one of the files (the forearm for exemple) so I can test it and be sure it works on a 1/6 body ? If it does, then I will buy the entire design for sure
sam-shu762020-10-06 21:44:23 UTC
Messaged you about another model as well, I am interested in using some of your models for armor kits to customize action figures (for resale). I would like to talk further to see if we can come to an arrangement regarding this, thank you :)
rafifou42072019-12-30 20:08:57 UTC
Is it possible to have it in one piece to download ?
surfjaphy2018-12-22 23:21:19 UTC
Does it include the shoes?
Item rating
5 0
weldercabrera2020-04-28 16:44:30 UTC
This is a very nice model, I have a chance recently to complete the printing job
surfjaphy2019-01-29 19:51:54 UTC
I am almost like 85% done printing this design. The only part that I haven't printed yet is the back pack since I want to modify it to make it functional as a hollow backpack. It comes with additional accessories such as the shoes or the shoes straps that you can add to your existing boots/shoes. The armor is big, almost for a 6' feet individual but can be scaled down. I scaled it down to 93% to fit me (I am 5'4"). Really well made design!!! I recommend it.
tylerad2018-11-22 07:41:14 UTC
Fantastic work! I'm excited to print these files out!
cfjuncal2018-10-29 10:30:15 UTC
todavia no he empezado a imprimir el archivo. Espero sea el indicado!!!
droid11382018-10-22 09:29:23 UTC
Republic Commando Cosplay 3D Print Model
Editorial No Ai License 
Republic Commando Cosplay 3D Print Model
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 18% in 48.0h
3D Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (25 files)258 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-09-01
  • Model ID#987128
  • Ready for 3D Printing