Namor shoulder pads

Namor shoulder pads 3D print model


Namor shoulder pads for custom.You can change the size to fit your figures. You are free to sell printed copies, you are not allowed to resell or transfer the design.

leiton3862023-04-24 03:03:18 UTC
hola, una pregunta este modelo ya se encuentra listo para imprimir en la escala de namor de marvel legends o toca escarlo uno mismo gracias
aks6122023-02-23 00:56:55 UTC
Hi, Can you please help understand what size would this print be ? Is it 1/12 scale or 1/6 scale ?
CUSTOMSEVERYTHING2023-02-23 04:53:06 UTC
Hello, it is not on a specific scale, you can rescale it yourself, but, if you have any problem in doing so do not hesitate to tell me and I can help you give it the correct measurement.
tezla112023-02-14 21:26:54 UTC
hello, I was wondering what size these print out at, and if there is a size that you know that fits the marvel legends action figure
Item rating
1 0
3DimensionsLab2023-05-10 21:15:53 UTC
Perfect !!
Namor shoulder pads
Custom License 
Namor shoulder pads
Custom License 
Response 100% in 1.2h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)395 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-12-28
  • Model ID#4194587
  • Ready for 3D Printing