Japanese-style Spear Tip and Pommel

Japanese-style Spear Tip and Pommel 3D print model


A simple Japanese-style spear tip with a pommel. Through trial and error, I painfully discovered that printing the shaft of the weapon does not make it nearly sturdy enough, so I substituted a 3/4 in. PVC pipe filled with a wooden dowel for the shaft. With the Tip and pommel, you can make the spear to match your height/ preferences. I also drilled holes into the weapon, allowing for bolts or pegs to be hammered through; you just need to drill through the pipe.

Material: PLA Infill: 50%

I recommend cutting the spear tip in two parts and applying supports. Of course, I can always provide a cut version with channels cut out for supports on request.

tamicorp2022-12-24 04:25:36 UTC
This model will be put to a GOOD use, and I like your Work. Thank You.
Iron-Wing-Armory2022-12-24 10:12:22 UTC
I appreciate your comment! If you like it, please reply on how it came out. Your comment is my first comment since trying this out a year ago, and I feel empowered to put more of my designs here now.
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Japanese-style Spear Tip and Pommel
Royalty Free License 
Japanese-style Spear Tip and Pommel
Royalty Free License 
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3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Autodesk Fusion 360 1.0 (.f3d)664 KB
  • 3D Manufacturing File 1.0 (.3mf)47.4 KB
  • Autodesk FBX 1.0 (.fbx)173 KB
  • Stereolithography 1.0 (.stl)344 KB
  • OBJ 1.0 (.obj, .mtl)348 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-09-18
  • Model ID#3277259
  • Ready for 3D Printing