Galactic Marine One12 STL figure conversion 3d print stl files

Galactic Marine One12 STL figure conversion 3d print stl files 3D print model


This is what you need for 1:12 figure custom for armor pieces of a Galactic Marine Trooper with backpack now.Scaled to fit 6" figure size by defaul and easy to work with 3d printing slicer.

4dlove2023-07-17 08:44:33 UTC
skylu3design2023-03-04 00:31:14 UTC
Pla don’t use this figure custom 3d files to print for wearable costume as the helmet is solid filled and rest of armor pieces will turn very thing after scaled up to full size. I have another listing set for wearable costume with helmet hollowed, visor knock out and armor pieces in 5-6mm in person scale. Thanks.
cooldudes20252023-03-03 23:31:35 UTC
is this and costume I can wear?
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Galactic Marine One12 STL figure conversion 3d print stl files
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Galactic Marine One12 STL figure conversion 3d print stl files
Custom License 
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (4 files)55 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-02-06
  • Model ID#3564999
  • Ready for 3D Printing