Inspired by Season 7 of the Clone Wars, this is Darth Maul's Dark Shadow hilt. It includes an unused Ventress design called Dark Disciple. This is my take on the hilt design, made printable and customizable with my Lightsaber Assembly kit.
Each section is named the same way for all my lightsaber designs.
The prequel Maul emitter will accept a 1(25mm) blade. The other end will accept a 7/8 (22mm) diameter Blade. The Dark Disciple end does not have an activation switch for electronics. The inner crystal chamber is for display only. You can modify the printed model, or contact me to add a press button on the hilt switch section. This kit also includes special holders for the crystal chamber. Install them as you would the normal Assembly connectors.
ASSEMBLY: The Lightsaber Assembly kit contains models for putting your hilt together. It comes with press fit parts, as well as threaded parts for easy customization. There are two sizes of adapters - 32 mm and 24 mm. The kit also includes a press fit 32 mm to 24 mm adapter so you can mix and match parts. Different sizes are used to maximize the space inside the hilt for electronics. It is recommended you print adapters at a high infill % for strength. This model uses the following adapters for each part:
Using my adapters, you can easily assemble your own custom saber.
PRINTER SETTINGS: No scaling is needed; this model was made to be a life size prop. Measurements for the hilt are in the photos. For higher quality, we reccommend a layer height of .1mm an any FDM printer. We recommend orienting the hilt sections vertically on your printer, and use supports where necessary.
Color preview included to show potential finished product. Does not represent an actual print.
I am happy to customize models to meet your needs. Just shoot me a message!
Model was created by Ben Watkins, located in Columbia Missouri USA. Check us out on