Slave I Starship Flight Stand Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron

Slave I Starship Flight Stand Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron 3D print model


Display your Micro Galaxy Squadron Collection in Style!

Finally, you can show your Slave I (yes, Slave I!!!) in dynamic full flight rather than in a landed position.

Designed to blend in with the existing stand in the collection, it is complete with the line detailing and adapted to fit Slave I.

My models were printed using 1.75mm Transparent PLA. I recommend a layer height of 0.2 but no more than 0.4 otherwise you will not be able to print the line details on the stand.

To assemble I used Dichloromethane (Plastic Weld), assembly can be mildly fidly but is very staight forward.

kornkid3882022-11-06 00:42:15 UTC
You wouldnt happen to have building instructions would you?
abmodelmaking2022-11-06 08:34:52 UTC
I'm afraid not, but assembly is very straight forward. Take the long flat strip and glue it between the tall stand parts (with the round vents), this forms the front of the stand to which you glue the thin arm support and the 'L' shaped bade support that Slave 1 rests on. There are 2 small 'rectangles'. These are the spacers that keep tall parts (with the round vents) separated. The longer rectangle goes between the long parts at the bottom and the shorter one near the top. Then simply stick the upright assembly to the base. Hope this helps!
Item rating
1 0
alaster-boneman2023-02-22 03:16:54 UTC
great model
Slave I Starship Flight Stand Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron
Custom License 
Slave I Starship Flight Stand Star Wars Micro Galaxy Squadron
Custom License 
Available in these collections
Response 82% in 5.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (8 files)769 KB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (8 files)1.65 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2022-08-30
  • Model ID#3961325
  • Ready for 3D Printing