I'm having problems with the FBX versions of these outfits. Outfit #1 has meshes "inside" such as belt buckles, etc. which I don't think belong in there and seems incomplete in places; while #2, #3, and 4# come with avatars, #1 does not (FBX).
Also, and that is the biggest problem for me, it seems the outfits were exported as thick. I need to simulate the clothing which is why I much prefer "thin"; I can always add thickness to the cloth at render time. Maybe these outfits can be simulated efficient in MD/Clo3D (I wouldn't know since I have neither program) but the FBX are far too poly heavy for other software to simulate.
If I had know these outfits were "thick" only, I would not have purchased them. As is, they are pretty much useless to me. I may be able to salvage certain items (e.g. the hats) but the rest would require so much work on my part that it would no be worth doing; I'd be better off trying to find outfits that are more suitable for my needs.
I informed the seller of these issues two weeks ago, but have not heard back. Since I I did not receive a response to another question either, I must assume that the seller's product support does not exist.