15mm Sci-Fi Corridor System - 22pcs

15mm Sci-Fi Corridor System - 22pcs 3D print model


Introducing the National Cheese Emporium's 15mm Sci-Fi Corridor System! This set provides the tiles and walls necessary to recreate any scenario from any edition of Games Workshop's incredible board game, Space Hulk. In addition, the 20mm base footprint of all the pieces mean that the walls could be used in conjunction with Litko Aerosystem's laser-cut 15mm corridor system, which I personally own a pile of and can heartily recommend!

This set consists of 1 basic floor tile, 1 basic wall, 1 interior corner wall, 1 exterior corner wall, 1 exterior corner pillar (for those rare occasions when the pre-built outside corner won't fit), 4 different styles of doors, 2 staircase tiles (1 ascending, 1 descending), 2 ladder tiles (1 ascending, 1 descending), 2 iris hatch tiles (1 open, 1 closed), 1 turbolift (sci-fi elevator) tile, 1 chute tile, 1 breached floor tile, and 4 different Xeno entry point tiles.

mrhungdoan2020-11-28 05:06:53 UTC
Is there any way to get the individual pieces as separate STL files. I would like to upscale this. I did not know it was one file
javelin982020-11-28 07:34:54 UTC
Yes, of course! Give me a few days to work on it and I’ll reupload the entire product. CGTrader should allow you to download it again, but if not, send me a private message and I’ll email you the new file bundle. Thanks! Andreas
javelin982020-11-29 20:11:43 UTC
Okay, I updated the collection with separate STL files, and I also added a few new parts, as well. Let me know if you are able to download it successfully, and if not, I'll send you the ZIP file directly.
mrhungdoan2020-12-01 00:26:13 UTC
Item rating
1 0
danny6992022-06-03 08:35:36 UTC
An excellent Sci Fi corridor system, very versatile and prints extremely well on FDM printers. I'd like to see some suitably scaled Sci Fi decor for this tile set...
15mm Sci-Fi Corridor System - 22pcs
Custom License 
15mm Sci-Fi Corridor System - 22pcs
Custom License 
Response 82% in 15.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography 1.1 (.stl)371 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2017-03-08
  • Model ID#700463
  • Ready for 3D Printing