Zelda Treasure chest and Cartridge storage

Zelda Treasure chest and Cartridge storage 3D print model


A Treasure chest to print from the video game The legende of Zelda : Breath of the wild 3d Modèle to print, with a particularitie (cartridge storage inner for your Nintendo switch games cartridge)

/!\ Treasure chest part down (Fixed) 01/04/2019

Size (assembly) : Height = 83mmDepth = 82mmLenght = 105mm

Treasure chest (6 parts to print/assemble)Cartridge support for treasure chest (optional) 2 parts print/assemble

*My Cura setting (Creality cr-10 ) : *

Layer 02infill density = 10%Printing temperature = 203°Build plate = 66°Support : Everywhere

Treasure chest print time/cost :

TopPart = 4h50min top print (21.1m/61g/1.43€) Need supportsDownPart = 5h13min ( 22.77m/68g/1.53€) Need supportsCylinderGrip = 5minGripFront = 6min (0.22m) Brim/support recommended.GripFlan = 3min (0.16m) Brim/support recommended.

Cartridge storage for Nintendo switch games cartridge (optional)

CartridgeSocle = 3h33 (11.20m/33g/0.77€) Need supportsTabCartridgeSocle = 21min (0.57m/2g/0.04€) Brim recommended

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Zelda Treasure chest and Cartridge storage
Royalty Free License 
Zelda Treasure chest and Cartridge storage
Royalty Free License 
Response 98% in 0.9h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling
Low-poly Modeling
UV mapping

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (7 files)15.9 MBVersion: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 1Version: 2

3D Model details

  • Publish date2018-11-18
  • Model ID#1023619
  • Ready for 3D Printing