Tibia HMM Rune - Created to be used in many ways, as CGI file or PRINTABLE file.
to Print:USE mm
Rune size is set as: 3,5cm x 2cm
ALWAYS Check your file size and rotation before start printing.
to use CGI file:Texture and Normal Maps included.This rune has only six textures available, so just link them in your sotware.
To create different runes - you can use the TEXTURE COLOR or if you print, PAINT them following those:
PURPLE - Heavy Magic MissileBLUE - IcicleGREEN - Light Magic MissileYELLOW - Holy Magic MissileRED - Fire WallLIGHT BLUE - Energy Wall
On my profile I also have some other runes sold individually, and a huge pack with ALL Tibia Runes.Take a look if you like.