Immerse yourself in the magical world of Sailor Moon with this intricately designed 3D model of the Grail Cup, an iconic artifact from the beloved anime series. This model captures the essence of the Holy Grail, transforming it into a stunningly beautiful treasure chest-shaped cup, adorned with exquisite details and enchanting aesthetics.
The Grail Cup 3D model features a hinged lid, cleverly designed to resemble a jewelry box, allowing you to open and reveal its secrets.One of the most captivating aspects of this 3D model is the inclusion of separate gemstones that can be inserted into the cup, allowing you to customize its appearance according to your preferences. Each gemstone represents a different Sailor Scout, featuring their signature colors and unique attributes.
The zip file contains two kinds of blend file. The first one is for print, the second one is in color with textures and UVs.