Man, that Shadowlands trailer looks awesome! They are really pushing CGI to the limit. I really hope I will have enough time to finish Sylvanas armor for 3D print for/until expansion release day.
This time shoulder pads have two frame versions. One with letters and one without. Translation is still not officially confirmed but fans translated it like this: I've walked the realms of the dead. I have seen the infinite dark. Nothing you say. Or do. Could possibly frighten me. Don't forget there is various translations but I like this one the most. There is no proper font relesed by Blizzard so I was using Tengwar Sindarin from Lord of the rings. If you prefer to be without letters, I prepared one empty frame just for that case.
Inside all file extensions you will find volume box with which you can accurately rescale model up to x -25.992 cm y-29.506 cm z-27.554 cm since, starting point is height of 180cm from which you can make any scale you need. Don't forget to link all objects to that volume box before scale actions!
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