Scanner Console for Transformers Legacy Tarantulas

Scanner Console for Transformers Legacy Tarantulas 3D print model


Aiding his devious schemes to nab a stasis pod for himself, Tarantulas build this scanner console!

With its multiple monitors, Tarantulas tracked the position of the many orbiting stasis pods and charted where they would land when one eventually leaves orbit and crashes to earth.

When pods are almost ready to fall out of orbit, Tarantulas can disable both the Maximal and Predacon scanners with the bloop of a button.

The monitors here are each individually mounted onto the stand and can be removed or even rotated around as you like! At the base of the terminal, 5mm ports were added (more on that later)

For a little more fun and interactivity, the switches actually have their handles attached to their sleeves using a short segment of filament, allowing them to be flipped up and down.

As a little bonus if you also have the Stasis Web ( ) from our earlier set, this scanner console can be placed in front of it, much like how it was in the show!

=== Assembly ===

The included diagram show how the parts which make up this build, and how they go together.

As usual, the 5mm pegs can either be printed using the provided files, or fashioned out of plastic pegs cut to size.


And phew, there's the little scanner console for our spidery little friend. With any luck, hope this finally helps him catch a stasis pod ( )! =D


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Scanner Console for Transformers Legacy Tarantulas
Custom No Ai License 
Scanner Console for Transformers Legacy Tarantulas
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)45.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-08-13
  • Model ID#3928698