Requiem Blaster from Transformers Armada

Requiem Blaster from Transformers Armada 3D print model


And here to compete the trio of legendary minicon artefacts from Armada, here's the Requiem Blaster!

Made up of the three members of the Minicon Space Team when they combine, its powerful blast almost took out Megatron and ended the series early!

Much like the original version, the front missile tip can be removed out of the 5mm barrel for blast effects to be using by attaching it into it! On the other rear end of the blaster, another 5mm port has been included for more effect peg fun.

On the left side of the blaster, a small rocket tip similar to as seen in the cartoon has been designed and sized to all 3mm effect parts to be added on!

But that's not all! Given that it's the concluding set of the minicon weapons, here's a special little something for when all three sets come together.

Flipping the star saber and requiem blaster around, 3mm ports on their underside allow them to connect up with the skyboom shield using the version with the 3mm pegs on the front!

Unleash the mind bending power of the complete minicon artefact set!

And here we are complete with all these three key artefact, ready to awaken Unicron!


Hope everyone enjoyed the journey of these three pieces as much as we had fun putting them together! Enjoy 3d printing and messing around with them for you bots too! =)


This model is not to be uploaded or sold in any form and is intended for personal use only.

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Requiem Blaster from Transformers Armada
Custom No Ai License 
Requiem Blaster from Transformers Armada
Custom No Ai License 
Response 83% in 2.5h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)6.59 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-04-04
  • Model ID#4411540
  • Ready for 3D Printing