Overwatch Academy DVa Cosplay Headphones

Overwatch Academy DVa Cosplay Headphones 3D print model


Overwatch Academy D.Va Cosplay HeadphonesThe model is designed for 3D printing. There are no textures and colors in the model files.

If you have any problems with the files, for example: you cannot download, open files, change the scale of the model, or something like that. Be sure to write me a message and I will try to help you and answer all your questions.

If you like us creations please rate and comment.Feel free to tag us to show us what you print and make! We love to see finished works.

tiagomunzfeld22024-08-21 15:09:31 UTC
Boa tarde apenas as menoeres peças nao consegui imprimir (a que parece o coelho). mais o restante fico muito bom . ender 3 bico 0.6... PLA e PET-G usei
tiagomunzfeld22024-08-08 21:39:31 UTC
to tendo problem , para emprimir 2 partes a com o simbolo de coelho. nao cheguei na peça maior.
PhoenixLegends2024-08-09 05:12:39 UTC
Olá, envie-me uma mensagem privada para saber qual é o seu problema com esta peça. Tentarei ajudar-te. Talvez seja necessário alterar as definições de impressão.
Item rating
1 0
fillofafy2023-03-31 13:55:24 UTC
Overwatch Academy DVa Cosplay Headphones
Editorial No Ai License 
Overwatch Academy DVa Cosplay Headphones
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 75% in 4.3h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)1.45 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2023-02-03
  • Model ID#4270104
  • Ready for 3D Printing