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The town saloon is a great place to listen to some old ragtime piano while playing the town's favorite card game Solo. You'll often hear much commotion when the infamous 'Take Four' card is thrown around at the card table. What card game wouldn't be complete without chips, which Big Town residents often cover with cheese, on a dish they call 'Big Town nachos.'
Here you'll also find boot-shaped glasses filled with Sour Juice, a deliciously sour beverage made from the town's bootlegger (hence the boot-shaped glass). You can order water, but the last stranger that did brought the entire saloon to a stand still.
Hair of the Dog Saloon comes with a Sour Juice TokenBig Town buildings are 2x 2, or 5 cm x 5 cmHeights vary but are less than 2" tallSTL format for printing