An epic device to help you pass time as well as enjoying your board games with style.Do you want to be left out?
This is the new way of rolling dice with a unique planetary evolving mechanism which makes use of the geneve gear system.It is prety straight foreward to assemble with just four M2 screws.
The design was made to have zero support material to save on both time and materials used.Get the perfect gift for your loved ones for this design is timeless and super reliable.
Just with the images displayed, you can easily figure out a way to assemble this model.The design is completely fool proof since all the components are designed to fit into the specific place and order.It isss truly an exciting build especially for hands-on junkies.
The design is best suited for dual contrasting coours but feel free to just use a single colour to print the entire model.There's very little cleanup depending on your setup. You might also want to paint the numbers or indentations to make them more visible.