Genshin Impact Song of Broken Pines Eula Sword

Genshin Impact Song of Broken Pines Eula Sword 3D print model


Genshin Impact Song of Broken Pines Eula Sword 1.70 meters long can be printed in 20x20x20 printers, for smaller or larger sizes consult a messenger for better advice to help. Photos of this and all published weapons of each piece printed and assembled will be added. Your query does not bother

mrgrim-opensea2023-03-05 22:01:40 UTC
hi, so there are two ways to connect: PVC tube or included parts to connect? I can choose whether I have to use both methods?
eezee20192023-03-06 11:19:03 UTC
hello you must use both for more resistance
cynical-x2023-02-14 05:00:06 UTC
Hi, how do i keep all of the printed parts together? did you use pvc pipe? if so what length and size? and what are the square holes in some of the parts used for for?
eezee20192023-02-14 17:38:40 UTC
If you use a pvc tube I don't remember the size of the tube you can take a piece and they will sell you one of the minimum length of 1.70 meters I don't remember how wide the width was, the cubes are so that when you glue the pieces you don't know move from one side to another is in one of the pieces to print.
6312182052022-10-29 03:49:03 UTC
这剑有多重? How heavy is the sword?
eezee20192022-10-29 11:48:49 UTC
I put 5% padding and a PVC tube and it will weigh 2 kg at most, it depends on how much filament you put as padding
archer-servant-912022-06-22 20:50:09 UTC
Hi. Can you tell how long did it take to print full sword and what resolution did you use? ( also the infill and Number of walls )
jacobhotwheels892022-04-11 22:21:27 UTC
How many of the pins should we print?
Item rating
4 0
sheddou132023-05-13 11:02:55 UTC
cool, only big, had to be reduced to fit the female version))
aespino912023-03-05 09:12:08 UTC
Great details, and fast answer when I contacted the author
omedm162022-11-29 02:06:21 UTC
Most detailed song of broken pines on the internet! Great work! Also very responsive (:
trickster17012022-04-21 15:12:09 UTC
The model seems very accurate and printed well apart from a small section on the tip of the blade where cura decided the gap between the dowel holes and the wall wasn't large enough and proceeded to print a gap. (Nothing a quick dose of filler can't solve). Overall really happy with my purchase and the files have had a good amount of use so far.
Genshin Impact Song of Broken Pines Eula Sword
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Genshin Impact Song of Broken Pines Eula Sword
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Available in these collections
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3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (19 files)140 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-07-01
  • Model ID#3131849
  • Ready for 3D Printing