Final Fantasy 7 - Shinra Infantryman - Full Armor Set

Final Fantasy 7 - Shinra Infantryman - Full Armor Set 3D print model


For the upcoming Crisis Core Reunion!Really detailed and wearable Shinra infantryman's full armor set that includes:

Helmet (that has the capability to have lights put inside to illuminate infra red lights coming from the helmet)Shoulder padsArm and hand guards (Check your arm size - Default hand diameter of the model is 10cm)Knee padsBaton (length 58cm)

Only support material you need is 12⌀mm and 16⌀mm pipe/sticks and bit of 3x20mm strips, not entirely necessary but highly recommended for durabilty.

For printing settings there is no really right or wrong, as long as you make every point where straps contact with a part with as much infill as possible to avoid breaking when tightening against body.

Not for resale! If you're going to sell our model as printed and finished product, contact us.

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Final Fantasy 7 - Shinra Infantryman - Full Armor Set
Editorial No Ai License 
Final Fantasy 7 - Shinra Infantryman - Full Armor Set
Editorial No Ai License 
Response 81% in 0.7h
3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (40 files)234 MBVersion: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.0Version: 1.1Version: 1.1Version: 1.1Version: 1.1Version: 1.1Version: 1.1Version: 1.1Version: 1.1
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (2 files)21 MBVersion: 1.0

3D Model details

  • Ready for 3D Printing
  • Publish date2022-11-20
  • Model ID#4121093