MCDU has the option for B737 interface
All panels do not need any PCB as it has the unique Button Base panel for easily insert and attach buttons, switches, rotary, potentiometers and encoders.
It is also possible to print only the covers and screw it all to a pedestal board.Includes nuts for screws compatible with AIRBUS models.
All panels includes all the necessary mechanisms.
Each panel can be printed and operated individually.
It is not necessary to print all at once.
Panels can be assembled and connected together anytime.
Each panel includes a step by step assembly manual and shopping parts list.
Dimensions and Part list inside each panel ZIP file**
Purchase recommendations:
A320 MCDU PCB: https://www.ebay.com/itm/256697750486
Simplify Your 3D Printed Cockpit. Simplifies the wiring process and eliminates the need for separate electronics purchases.
128 button: https://www.ebay.com/itm/254777785202
128 buttons input joystick including 3 axis to easily connect all buttons and potentiometers to USB without the need for any special programing. Just wire, connect, plug and play.
Anyone who purchases this pedestal will get the WX-Radar, the AIDS/DFDR and ATC/TCAS FREE
3D printing settings:Better be done with dual extruder 3D printer.