Quest for El Dorado Board Game Organizer Insert

Quest for El Dorado Board Game Organizer Insert 3D print model


Organizer for The Quest for El Dorado base game and Heroes and Hexes expansion, designed for upright storage in the base game box.

Special print/usage instructions:

MarketTray---Print two for the six cards in the Market.

ReserveTray---Print four for the sixteen cards in the Reserve (cards moved into the Market once space becomes available).

TrayClip---Only required for the OCD-inclined who would prefer that the MarketTrays and ReserveTrays be joined (see pictures). I would print at least eight, plus a few spares.

PlayerTray---Print four; used to hold draw and discard decks for each player.

HeroTray---Print two, one each for the Heroes deck and Demons deck. (The Familiars deck can be stored in a PlayerTray.)

All other pieces are single print. Finally, note that the four Expedition Boards are stored at the top of the box, while the two pieces that form the Market Board are stored on the right.

saltanar2022-08-29 10:25:31 UTC
can you tell me the color that you used for single components?
1Peter5672022-08-29 12:24:00 UTC
Thanks for the question, saltanar. I used Hatchbox filament--yellow, red, white, blue, and silver.
1Peter5672022-04-03 20:25:39 UTC
Good question--the maximum dimension of the big Hex Tray is 220.7 mm. Sounds like a tight fit, but it might work? The next largest piece is the oddly shaped Box Brace, which is approximately 215 mm along its length.
selcouth2022-04-03 18:30:35 UTC
How large does the print bed need to be to cover the largest print in this set? I have an Ender 3 Pro which is 220x220mm, though I believe I can change firmware up to 230mm.
tas052021-02-04 11:10:05 UTC
Hi, do you know if there is room for the golden temple expansion as well as base/heroes and hexes ? thanks tas
1Peter5672021-02-04 13:29:09 UTC
Great question. I don't own that expansion, so I unfortunately have no idea if there is room for those components or not. Sorry!
miclaro2020-10-05 15:52:01 UTC
Hi, any thoughts on having the card trays snap to each other like puzzle pieces? I see they already have an indent
1Peter5672020-10-05 16:50:38 UTC
Nice idea! This model is one of my older designs, but if I ever had an impetus to redo it, that would be a great consideration.
Item rating
3 0
vizhnayd2022-10-19 05:32:13 UTC
drzacharias2019-12-17 16:12:00 UTC
Pieces are well designed and fit really well.
early8-walton2019-10-02 13:40:05 UTC
Great design, and minimized filament used to print.
Quest for El Dorado Board Game Organizer Insert
Royalty Free License 
Quest for El Dorado Board Game Organizer Insert
Royalty Free License 
Response 94% in 4.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (12 files)2.26 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (12 files)1.76 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (12 files)822 KB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2019-08-05
  • Model ID#2055267
  • Ready for 3D Printing