Panzer Buggy Mobile Tower

Panzer Buggy Mobile Tower 3D print model


Intended for 3D print.

Mobile tower. Suitable for steampunk settings, or as towers for certain weird psychic greenskins in a certain grimdark tabletop game.

Intended to be used as a main gun alternative for the Ork Panzer Buggy kit (link below). But can be used with other 28mm vehicles, or as a standalone model, with some conversion work.

Please note that the Mobile Tower kit only contains the actual tower. The Panzer Buggy depicted in certain images are only included to provide context. The red colouration indicates which sections are part of the kit.

The individual parts of this model are packed in a .rar archive containing a number of .stl files. Each .stl file contains a part of the model, or one of several different variations of the model. See the bulletpoint list below for a detailed description of the model parts included in the kit.

Model Parts

  • Mobile Tower Housing
  • Mobile Tower Housing With Widow's Walk (a circular platform you can place additional miniatures on).
  • Leaning Mobile Tower Housing (a slightly tilted variant to give your tower a slightly rickety feel).
  • Mobile Tower With Solid Interiors (a variant of the tower with no hollow interiors. To be used if. for example, you want to print the tower in a smaller scale where the walls would otherwise become too thin to print).
  • Mobile tower With Widow's Walk and Solid Interiors (same as above).
  • Mobile Tower Roofs (Two different versions, one with smoke coming out of the chimney and one without).
  • Mobile Tower Parts (contains a number of accessories for the tower, including windows that can be opened or closed, a door than can be opened or closed, a large and small satellite dish, two ravens and an orky window ornament).

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Panzer Buggy Mobile Tower
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Panzer Buggy Mobile Tower
Editorial No Ai License 
10% for Ukraine
Response 92% in 15.0h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl)7.4 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2021-01-07
  • Model ID#2797429
  • Ready for 3D Printing