Mgebrov Armoured Cars

Mgebrov Armoured Cars 3D print model


Designed by staff captain MgebrovThe history of these little known vehicles can be traced back to 1914, when the private funds of a certain Mr. Merkulyev were used to build three cars based on several chassis - White, Benz and Pierce Arrow. They were intended for an armored car intelligence team. They were covered with a minimal improvised type of armor, and formed into the second armored unit (company Dobrzhansky), later transferred to the 8th Army. The committee formed for their reception judged the armor unsatisfactory, and sent them to the Izhora Works in St Petersburg, headed by staff officer V. Mgebrov. He devised completely new armored bodies, offering full protection. They received revolving turrets with the same machine-guns, with the exception of the White, which was equipped with a Hotchkiss 37 mm (1.46 in) QF naval gun.

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Mgebrov Armoured Cars
Royalty Free No Ai License 
Mgebrov Armoured Cars
Royalty Free No Ai License 
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3D Modeling
3D Print Modeling

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (2 files)68.1 MB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl)34.1 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2025-01-23
  • Model ID#5809365
  • Ready for 3D Printing