Lords of Vegas Board Game Organizer Insert with Up Expansion

Lords of Vegas Board Game Organizer Insert with Up Expansion 3D print model


Organizer for the Lords of Vegas board game and its Up! Expansion, designed for vertical, upright storage in the retail game box and accomodating sleeved cards.

Notes on individual items:

-- Print six of DiceTray, one for each player. All other items are single-print.

-- MainDeck accomodates sleeved cards (Fantasy Flight Standard).

-- SetupBrace also accomodates sleeved cards and is designed to hold all non-casino cards and player scoring tokens.

warbanner12020-11-20 22:42:36 UTC
I printed this and the token holders on the side of the dice holder were too small to fit the tokens. I wonder if the tokens were different sizes in different printings. Also, the tile holders for both the base game and the Up! expansion were just a little too short, so the top tiles were falling off the top. They were definitely printed at 100%, because the other dimensions were fine. I might just reprint at z = 110%.
1Peter5672020-11-20 23:49:00 UTC
Thanks for the heads-up on this issue, warbanner1. I think that you're absolutely right---I purchased my copy in the US roughly three years ago, so who knows how many different printings are floating around out there. I hope that you're 110% solution does the trick! Keep me posted, if you can ...
Item rating
2 0
mallenb2024-08-03 15:59:25 UTC
High quality design. Extremely reasonable price.
warbanner12020-11-21 05:08:57 UTC
Lords of Vegas Board Game Organizer Insert with Up Expansion
Royalty Free License 
Lords of Vegas Board Game Organizer Insert with Up Expansion
Royalty Free License 
Response 94% in 4.4h

3D Model formats

Format limitations
  • Stereolithography (.stl) (6 files)1.65 MB
  • Autodesk FBX (.fbx) (6 files)715 KB
  • OBJ (.obj, .mtl) (6 files)1.8 MB

3D Model details

  • Publish date2020-03-10
  • Model ID#2310771
  • Ready for 3D Printing